Why Choose Aluminium Gutters – Price Comparison

Gutters are essential to protect buildings and property from water damage that can quickly become a serious and expensive problem. Fortunately, today’s gutters are available in a range of materials, with aluminium gutters being one of the best choices that residential and commercial property owners can make when choosing gutters – and for a number of reasons, such as aluminium gutters price per meter vs other high-quality materials.

In this article we take a look at what makes aluminium gutters different, what benefits they offer property owners and how to know whether aluminium gutters are the right choice for your property.

Price Comparison

Feature Aluminium Gutters PVC Gutters Steel Gutters
Suitability for Cape Town Excellent Moderate Low
Price Per Metre Start Around R96.00 R60.00 – R120.00 Start Around R125.00
Rust Resistance Yes Yes No
Maintenance Low Moderate High
Suitability for Cape Town Excellent Moderate Low

What Makes Aluminium Gutters Different?

Gutters are vital for protecting your property from water damage. Some of the materials used to manufacture gutters include, for example, steel, PVC and cast iron.

Aluminium gutters, as the name suggests, are made from aluminium. Using this material offers a range of benefits to property owners when compared to other materials used, not only in protecting the property but also in enhancing its value.

All these benefits of aluminium gutters, particularly when compared to other types of gutters, are explained in more detail below.

What Are The Benefits of Aluminium Gutters?

Aluminium gutters are affordable, durable, rust-proof, beautiful, strong, easy to install and requires little maintenance, all of which translates into a value-for-money solution for property owners.

Aluminium gutters are affordable

As Shown above, even though aluminium gutters are more durable than gutters made from other materials, they are not the most expensive option.
In fact, aluminium gutters are very affordable. As an example, the price of aluminium gutters start from around R96.00 per metre, while stainless steel gutters start at about R125.00 per metre. However, remember that the prices will always depend on the unique requirements of your property.

Aluminium gutters are durable

Aluminium gutters last much longer than gutters made of other materials. Aluminium gutters offer great resistance to wear and are ideal for properties subjected to harsh weather conditions. In fact, aluminium gutters can have a lifespan of up to 30 years. When compared to the lifespan of PVC or steel gutters, aluminium gutters are the better choice: steel gutters can rust in as little as five years after installation, while PVC gutters, although they don’t rust, can become brittle from exposure.

Aluminium gutters are rust-proof

One of the main reasons why aluminium gutters are so durable is that these gutters don’t rust.

Rust is corrosion that occurs when steel or iron is exposed to moisture. This corrosion first appears on the surface, but within a short timeframe, as the surface layers rust away, and the rust will continue corroding deeper and deeper into the metal until it is destroyed.

In aluminium – similarly to stainless steel – the oxidation that occurs on the surface of the metal creates a hard, protective layer that actually protects it from further corrosion. Aluminium can also be treated through a process called anodising that also protects it from corroding.

Aluminium gutters are beautiful

Aluminium gutters are available in a variety of colours to ensure you can match your aluminium gutters to the look and feel of your property precisely. In addition, aluminium gutters can be painted. In fact, aluminium gutters are easier to paint than, for example, steel gutters. You pay less for Aluminium gutters in price per meter compared to other materials and it looks the best.

Aluminium gutters are also easier to shape. This makes it ideal for matching many different commercial and residential building styles such as Victorian designs, Tuscan and Cape Dutch styles and ultra-modern designs.

Aluminium gutters also look great. Property owners do not have to sacrifice aesthetic design to get all the other benefits that aluminium gutters offer. Smooth, precisely shaped to your building and without joins or seams, aluminium gutters will actually increase the aesthetics of a building.

Aluminium gutters are easy to install

Aluminium is lightweight and easy to handle. Due to the light-weight nature of aluminium gutters, the installation of these gutters is easier and quicker, although installation time will always depend on the type of gutter system used and the unique features of the building.

However, compared with other guttering materials, fitting aluminium gutters would require less time and work, making it affordable to be fitted professionally.

Aluminium gutters are strong

Despite their lightweight nature, aluminium gutters are very strong. Aluminium guttering is better suited to withstand physical damage from, for example, hail, falling objects such as tree branches, leaning ladders against it or applying weight to it. One of the most incredible benefits of aluminium gutters cost is how low the price per meter is, as they are not the most expensive option yet offer the greatest durability.

Less expensive PVC gutters, in particular, because of its weak and brittle nature cannot offer the same strength. PVC gutters can be damaged by intense direct sunlight, by hail over time and through simple wear and tear. Even just leaning a ladder against it, or applying weight to it, can cause it to flex, crack or break.

Aluminium gutters can endure all these potential damages and will retain their shape, only bending in extreme cases. If this does happen, it is possible to reshape an aluminium gutter back into position.

Aluminium gutters are more environmentally friendly

Compared to PVC, timber and steel gutter systems, aluminium gutter systems are more environmentally friendly, as they are often made from recycled materials. If parts are replaced or the entire system is removed, the material can be recycled once again after use and can even be used for other aluminium products. The production of aluminium gutters also does not create harmful by-products like, for example, PVC manufacturing does. Aluminium is nontoxic and does not break down into shards or pieces that could create environmental concern.

Aluminium gutters require little maintenance

Aluminium guttering requires less maintenance, with little to no repair or real maintenance compared to other gutter options like steel or PVC.

However, like with any other type of gutter, timely maintenance will ensure optimal performance and improved durability.

Aluminium gutters can and should be cleaned regularly

As the protective barrier for water entering your home one should clean your gutter from any leaves, debris and sand regularly. We at One Gutters offer a special cleaning team to assist you in those high and hard to reach places or simply to clean the entire gutter area of your house at a market related fee. This you can relax and watch us do it for you professionally and risk free to you. Any leaks and damage is detected at this stage and repaired to avoid further damage or possible leaks. We recommend cleaning once a year and its simple one call and we come complete any job at hand. We do residential, complex, warehouse and shopping centres.

Are Aluminium Gutters Right For Your Property?

Aluminium gutters offer commercial and residential property owners many benefits, including excellent durability, resistance to rust, affordability, beauty, strength, easy installation and little maintenance, creating a very compelling value-for-money solution. If you are looking for the best option in terms of cost and quality, then aluminium gutters are by far the best option.

Given all these advantages, it is easy to understand how aluminium is gaining in both popularity and reputation as a great choice in a guttering system. Aluminium gutters often provide the best long-term solution and the wisest investment option, especially when considering its affordability; its light-weight nature that lends itself to quick, easy and inexpensive installation; and its durability in both weathering and physical damage even in harsh weather environments with very little maintenance.

But even with all these benefits, how can you be certain that aluminium gutters are right for your specific property?

To make the final decision about whether to install aluminium gutters, get a professional opinion from an experienced aluminium gutter contractor, who will be able to provide an expert opinion of whether aluminium gutters are the best option for your unique building. When selecting a gutter contractor, remember to check that they are correctly certified and to ask for references.

At One Gutters, we have 10 years of experience in the field of installing aluminium gutters and we will gladly assist you in making the right decision about whether aluminium gutters are the best choice for your building.

Get In Touch Today!

Simply fill in the form below or phone us on 021 940 7270 for free and friendly, no obligation assistance in making an informed decision about installing aluminium gutters at your building and benefiting from all the benefits aluminium gutters deliver.


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